Navigating the fast-changing landscape of 2024, where every scroll reveals a new trend or meme, the discovery of LinkedIn India’s quirky ‘L’Appraisal Butter’ has left many scratching their heads in confusion. The snapshots from various meme pages have propelled these bizarre finds into the limelight, landing it in the internet’s hands.

But what is ‘L’Appraisal Butter’, and why is it causing such a stir? Well, it’s not your typical butter made for toast. Instead, it’s LinkedIn India’s way of injecting a dose of fun and light hearted humor into the whole appraisal season tension and debates.

They’ve encouraged users to hear from industry leaders across the board on LinkedIn and take inspiration from their learnings, helping people navigate their way through the appraisal season, with different tips & tricks to grow in one’s career, in addition to buttering people.

On social, important discussions sometimes take a backseat. LinkedIn India’s approach is ironic. They’re using an unserious product to remind us of a very serious topic, helping people find their way in the corporate world.

The DNA App is now available for download on the Google Play Store. You can find the app at the following link:

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What is LinkedIn India’s ‘L’Appraisal Butter’ and why are people talking about it?